I'm both excited and nervous about writing my first book... Here, I'll be sharing my thoughts, ideas, and frustrations during this process. Hopefully, someone will want to read it when I'm done;)

Friday, May 3, 2013

So, my dear  friends, this year for our reading "goal" at goodreads I set mine as a limit for myself, rather than a goal.  The purpose being twofold.  One, to be choosier in my selections.  Two, so that I would set aside more time for writing and other more important matters.
I'm doing a terrible job.  Better than last year, and I was doing pretty good for awhile, but I just read both of the books in the Selection series, and the novella, in the last two days.  Needless to say no writing has been done.  My family missed me.  I'm hungry, because I didn't stop to eat, (I did feed the fam).
Time for me to re-enter the real world of responsible adulthood, but before I do let me just say, that was a GOOD READ;)


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Overdue Update

It's been a while since I've posted an update and lot's has happened since the last one!  Keep in mind that the current purpose of this blog is for me to share my experience of writing a first book.  My feelings, frustrations, and progress...

Here's a little insight to me:  I have a family of six, my hubs started his own business in September last year, (which I'm now doing books for), I home school all of my children, and we moved to a new house in November.
Through it all I've continued to, (slowly) plug away at writing.
Most recently, I've had a huge research breakthrough which resulted in a rapidly expanding storyboard (Yay).  A wonderful friend has offered me the use of her gigantic whiteboard and I'm itching to pick it up and make use of it!
Since the last post, I've had months where I haven't touched the project, (stressed out that I'm not touching it) then some months where I work consistently on it...always with the intention of making even more time for it.  I think, when it actually gets to a point where I can be proud of what I've accomplished so far, instead of cringing when I read it back, then I will be able to justify setting aside more and more time to write;)
On the bright side, it continues to get better and better every time I rewrite the first few chapters!  So, wooohooo! for improvement, new ideas, and growing confidence.

Friday, December 2, 2011


It's become obvious to me that this book will never be completed if I don't somehow come up with some work hours.  Right now there is far too much time being wasted on re-reading so I can try to get back to that place in my head where the story is taking place, only to be interrupted again and again.  Family is first, so I think the efficient and logical thing to do is to stop trying to fit writing in around everything else, and make writing it's OWN priority, giving it it's own time.  I'll let you know how that goes...good intentions don't always make it happen;)

Monday, November 28, 2011


Just when I was having an, "I am NOT good at this...this sucks...it's way too hard...what was I thinking" day, got the most very perfect encouragement.  Sigh.  Maybe tomorrow my brain will work better?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

On A Research Tangent

Ran across something the other day that gave me a scene idea...which made me start some research...which has turned into reading (most of) 4 books, and researching several websites.  Will resume writing when I have learned all there is to know about Nephilim, the War to Come, Angels, Swords, Fallen Angels, and maybe some other stuff--you never know what tangent reading can send you off on!
So, happy reading to everyone else.  I'm too busy researching!  for now;)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Time Wasted...

Do experienced writers have to re-read what they've written over, and over, and over again I wonder?  I just get  everything tweaked so that I like it, and fresh in my mind, only to have my allotted writing time at an end... frustrating.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Getting Started

The beginning stages of writing are a little boring.  Only because it's so exciting to have the actual writing stage in front of you.  Then, (in my case) you begin to write only to find out that it doesn't just flow out of you like a conversation might.  It actually takes work.  Then more work.  And then revision, revision, revision.  I'm hoping that I get a flow going, (and larger chucks of time).  An author that I follow on Twitter just had a goal of 4,000 words in one sitting...I wish!  I'm just going to shoot for 1,000 today, but concentrate on quality instead of quantity, because I'm just not seasoned enough yet to try for both!  I still have research to do,  goals to make and meet, decisions as far as self or traditional publishing, and I'm sure lots of things that I haven't even considered yet, but I'll be sharing it all as I chug along on my way to hopefully finishing the first in at least a three book series.  Let's just get through the first one, then worry about the rest:)  Thanks for checking out my blog, hope you enjoy following along.