I'm both excited and nervous about writing my first book... Here, I'll be sharing my thoughts, ideas, and frustrations during this process. Hopefully, someone will want to read it when I'm done;)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Getting Started

The beginning stages of writing are a little boring.  Only because it's so exciting to have the actual writing stage in front of you.  Then, (in my case) you begin to write only to find out that it doesn't just flow out of you like a conversation might.  It actually takes work.  Then more work.  And then revision, revision, revision.  I'm hoping that I get a flow going, (and larger chucks of time).  An author that I follow on Twitter just had a goal of 4,000 words in one sitting...I wish!  I'm just going to shoot for 1,000 today, but concentrate on quality instead of quantity, because I'm just not seasoned enough yet to try for both!  I still have research to do,  goals to make and meet, decisions as far as self or traditional publishing, and I'm sure lots of things that I haven't even considered yet, but I'll be sharing it all as I chug along on my way to hopefully finishing the first in at least a three book series.  Let's just get through the first one, then worry about the rest:)  Thanks for checking out my blog, hope you enjoy following along.

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